Faculty of Political Science, Letters and Communication

Faculty of Political Science, Letters, and Communication stands as a relatively recent addition to the academic landscape. Despite its recent establishment, the faculty brings together disciplines with a rich legacy, including Journalism and Romanian Language and Literature/Modern Language and Literature (English/French).

This academic institution addresses contemporary societal needs by offering two undergraduate and three master’s programs in Letters and Communication. The faculty’s commitment to excellence is evident in its distinguished teaching staff, consisting of nationally and internationally recognized specialists. Their educational and research approach underscores the importance of interdisciplinary perspectives, civic engagement, freedom, creativity, and democratic values.

The educational mission of the Faculty of Political Science, Letters, and Communication extends beyond imparting knowledge; it aims to provide graduates with an exceptional education, a robust knowledge base, and the skills necessary for a successful career.

The faculty’s dedication to quality is evident in the periodic evaluations conducted by the Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education, resulting in accreditation for all study programs—both at the undergraduate and master’s levels. Through these initiatives, the faculty seeks to empower its students with a comprehensive and accredited education, facilitating their access to diverse employment opportunities and preparing them for successful and fulfilling careers.

Preparatory Year of Romanian Language

Romanian Language and Literature – Modern Language and Literature (English/French)

Institutional Communication
Journalism and European Cultural Studies
Multilingualism and Interculturality in European Context

Visit Us: Str. Aleea Sinaia, nr. 13, 130004 Targoviste, Dambovita

Call Us: 📞 004 0245.211.713, 004 0744.694.926

Explore More: 🌐 https://fsplc.valahia.ro

Connect via Email: 📧 stiintepolitice@valahia.ro