Outgoing students

Erasmus Open Doors

Valahia University of Targoviste holds three rounds of contests for Erasmus mobility in partner countries every year.

Further reading at: Erasmus + mobilities 2023/2024 Ist stage students competition

Call for application for the academic year 2022/2023

Erasmus Mobilities 2022-2023

Erasmus Plus for bachelor and master level students

Students that want to compete must meet the following requirements:

  • be a Romanian citizen and a full-time student at the Valahia University in Târgovişte;
  • be a citizen of another country and a current student at the Valahia University in Târgovişte with a temporary / permanent residence permit issued by the competent Romanian authorities;
  • have all the exams passed;
  • have an average of 7 (seven) for the years of studies;

Be a speaker of:

  • French for France and Belgium;
  • English for Germany, Greece, Poland, Estonia, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Finland, and Latvia;
  • Spanish for Spain;
  • Italian for Italy.

Students must be enrolled in their first year of study to apply for an Erasmus mobility when studying at master’s degree.

Documents necessary for registration include:

  • Letter of intent;
  • Curriculum vitae;
  • Student status certificate;
  • Academic record;
  • Reference letter issued by the senior management of the faculty;
  • Medical certificate issued the family doctor;
  • 2 pictures, 4/5 in size;
  • Copy of the identity card or residency permit in Romania;
  • Envelope file.

Erasmus Plus for Doctoral students

Documents necessary for registration include:

  • Letter of intent;
  • Curriculum vitae;
  • Doctoral status certificate;
  • Reference letter issued by the senior management of the Doctoral School;
  • Medical certificate issued the family doctor;
  • 2 pictures, 4/5 in size;
  • Copy of the identity card or residency permit in Romania;
  • Envelope file.

Doctoral students that want to compete must meet the following requirements:

  • be a Romanian citizen and a full-time doctoral student at the Valahia University in Târgovişte;
  • be a citizen of another country and a current doctoral student at the Valahia University in Târgovişte with a temporary / permanent residence permit issued by the competent Romanian authorities;
  • have all the exams passed;
  • have an average of 7 (seven) for the years of studies;