Under ERASMUS + Programme, between the 1st and 11th of July 2024, the Polytechnic of Tomar in partnership with the Convent of Christ, will organize a Blended Intensive Course in Conservation and Restoration.

Taking advantage of the existence of the Laboratory for the Conservation and Restoration of Stone Materials of the IPT in the Convent of Christ, it will be a practical, transdisciplinary intensive program, where it is intended to teach in an innovative way, in direct contact with a monument classified as intangible heritage of humanity ( UNESCO), where it will be possible to discuss and create solutions for the Built Heritage in-situ.

The Convent of Christ and Castle of the Templars is one of the largest monumental groups of peninsular and European architecture, both in terms of its spatial extension and its temporal duration. The seven centuries of its construction cover the most significant moments in the history of Portugal, from the dawn of the kingdom to the advent of the contemporary era with Liberalism.

Students will have the opportunity to stay, housed in the Convent of Christ. The costs of accommodation, breakfast and lunch will be covered by the Polythecnic of Tomar.

Undergraduate, Master’s and Doctoral students in the areas of Conservation and Restoration, Heritage Sciences, Archaeology, Tourism, History of Art and History, as well as Architecture and Civil Engineering are welcome.

Our institute have support funds for the organisation of the course, but the sending partners must use their own Erasmus KA131 funds for the mobilities of their participants.

Attached follows the preliminary programme.

Are your university interested in being our partner in organizing this BIP? If so, how many students can your university send? We need a minimum of 16 students, so it would be recommended if your university could send two students.

We are also expecting to welcome some students from the Universitat Politécnica de Valencia (Spain) and the University of Dubrovnick (Croatia), who were our partners in this BIP in 2023.

If you have students interested in participate, please ask them to fill the online application form available here https://forms.office.com/e/KPV92cjuDZ until March 10th.