Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Food Science

Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Food Science (FIMSA) has played a crucial role in creating extensive science curricula in life sciences since the early 1990s. These curricula focus on environmental education, food processing technologies, food safety, and agricultural practices in mountainous areas, especially in less developed countries, to meet the growing demand in these fields. The contemporary science programs prioritize discipline rigor and also include integrative courses, allowing students to have a comprehensive understanding of the complex societal needs. This approach emphasizes the need for interdisciplinary inquiries into the many challenges and solutions we encounter in modern society.
The faculty has a dual purpose: to train experts with exceptional levels of professional, general, and specialized abilities, and to actively contribute to the development of social, human, intellectual, and spiritual values. The objective of this goal is to foster a strong feeling of accountability among graduates, with a particular focus on adhering to regulations on security, nutrition, and food safety. It also emphasizes the importance of environmental conservation, sustainable utilization of natural biological resources, and rural development.
The faculty possesses state-of-the-art laboratories that cater to fundamental disciplines, technical engineering, and applied research and technology transfer in the sector. The lecture rooms are equipped with state-of-the-art instruments and technology to simulate technical processes and monitor environmental activities. They also have internet access to scientific documentation databases.
The scientific research conducted at the faculty is in line with specific areas of interest and is strongly connected to international research trends. Research endeavors are coordinated at the faculty level via specialized research centers.
The faculty regularly participates in collaborative partnerships, student exchange programs, and international research initiatives with universities and institutes overseas, covering both academic and research areas. These collaborations create many chances for students and faculty to move between universities and become part of research networks that have been formed with institutions all over the world.

Agricultural Products Processing Technology
Engineering and Environment Protection in Agriculture
Food Control and Security
Mountain Agriculture

Control and Expertise in Food Industry
Systems for Control and Evaluation of Environmental Quality

Visit Us: Str. Aleea Sinaia, nr. 13, 130004 Targoviste, Dambovita

Call Us: 📞 004 0245.206.108, 004 0769.076.854

Explore More: 🌐 https://fimsa.valahia.ro

Connect via Email: 📧 fimsa@valahia.ro