We are happy to inform you that the registration for this year’s SustainMV online programme is open!

SustainMV Online is the 3-day online programme of our international summer school jointly presented by all universities in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (MV), in the North-East of Germany.

The overarching theme for this unique event is sustainability – with a focus on ecosystemstourismrenewable energiesdigital and technological innovationsrecycling and waste management.Academics from all MV universities, who are all experts in their respective fields, will present their work and research.

We are inviting motivated and interested students from all disciplines!

Venue:               Online (via Zoom)

Target group:    International (advanced) Bachelor and Master students (in any sustainability related subject area)

Language:         English

Tuition Fee:       None

Date of event:   August 22 – 24, 2023

Programme:      https://sustainmv.de/programme-2023/

Registration:      https://www.uni-rostock.de/en/sustainmv2023/registration/

Deadline for registration: July 31, 2023

We would be grateful if you could announce our summer school among your students. We look forward to welcoming your students!

Your SustainMV Team


L. Luzie Osswald

Programme Management SustainMV

International Office

University of Rostock

Tel. +49 381 498 1701


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